"The Ultimate 30-Day Movie Challenge" featured image.

The Ultimate 30-Day Movie Challenge

Dept. of Dumbass Dares


Lots of you seem to be doing these 30-day song and movie challenges, so we thought it would be fun to come up with something a little crazy. So brace yourself, for the extremely foolish, incredibly ill-advised (because it might actually be detrimental to your mental health), and first ever (that we know of), Nicolas Cage 30-day movie challenge.

That’s right folks, it’s one whole month of non-stop Nicolas Cage action. Why? Because there is a Nicolas Cage movie out there for everyone. Drama. Comedy. Action. Horror. Thriller. (Even dramatic comedy action horror thrillers. See: Mandy.) From Valley Girl to Raising Arizona, from The Rock to Con Air, from National Treasure to Color Out of Space, his movies contain the answers to all of life’s questions. He is truly a man for all seasons.

So take up the challenge. Answer the call. Join us and let’s go full Nicolas Cage. #GogglerCageChallenge

Uma has been reviewing things for most of his life: movies, television shows, books, video games, his mum's cooking, Bahir's fashion sense. He is a firm believer that the answer to most questions can be found within the cinematic canon. In fact, most of what he knows about life he learned from Ace Ventura: Pet Detective. He still hasn't forgiven Christopher Nolan for the travesties that are Interstellar and The Dark Knight Rises.

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