After all the Disney+ excitement, and subsequent dashing of said excitement, here are 9 Disney+ Malaysia questions and some educated guesstimates.
MoreWe review Soul and History of Swear Words.
MoreWith 2020 coming to a close, Uma pulls together his list of top 3 movies of the year, his honourable and dishonourable mentions, and the movies he's missed.
MoreCalm down fanboys. We made a list of five - far more compelling - "Director's Cuts" that we'd like to see some day.
MoreThis week, Uma and Iain can't quite agree on how much they like Pixar's Onward. Is it good? Or is it merely fine?
MoreIn Pixar's 22nd feature, Chris Pratt and Tom Holland are elven brothers on a quest to spend one last day with their father.
MoreWill Smith is at his Will-est Smith-est as a pigeon trying to save the world from an evil tech terrorist.
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